Friday, August 7, 2015

Gazeta Matematica 2/2015, Problem S:L15.52

Solve in natural numbers:

Proposed by Alessandro Ventullo, Milan, Italy


Observe that $112482225 \equiv 11 \pmod{13}$ and the perfect squares modulo $13$ are $0,1,3,4,9,10,12$. So, we have no solutions for $x \geq 13$. Hence, $x<13$. If $x=1$, we have $112482226$, which is divisible by $2$, but not by $4$, so it is not a perfect square.
If $x=2$, we have $112482227$, whose last digit is $7$, so it not a perfect square. If $x=3$, we have $112482231$, which has the last two digit odd, so it is not a perfect square. If $x=4$, we have $112482249$, which is divisible by $3$, but not by $9$, so it is not a perfect square. If $x \in \{5,6,7,8,9\}$, we obtain numbers which are divisible by $5$, but not by $25$, so they are not perfect squares. If $x=10$, we obtain $116111025=3^2\cdot5^2\cdot516049$, which is not a perfect square. If $x=11$, we have $152399025=12345^2$, so $y=12345$. If $x=12$, we have $591483825=3^2\cdot5^2\cdot2628817$, which is not a perfect square. In conclusion, the equation has a unique solution: $x=11,y=12345$.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem U340

Define $$A_n=\dfrac{n}{n^2+1^2}+\dfrac{n}{n^2+2^2}+\ldots+\dfrac{n}{n^2+n^2}.$$
Find $$\lim_{n \to \infty} n\left(n\left(\dfrac{\pi}{4}-A_n\right)-\dfrac{1}{4}\right).$$

Proposed by Yong Xi Wang, China

We have $$nA_n=B_n,$$ where $$B_n=\dfrac{1}{1+\left(\frac{1}{n}\right)^2}+\ldots+\dfrac{1}{1+\left(\frac{n}{n}\right)^2}.$$
$B_n$ is the Riemann lower sum of $f(x)=\dfrac{1}{1+x^2}$ over $[0,1]$ with partition $$P=\left\{\left[0,\dfrac{1}{n}\right],\left[\dfrac{1}{n},\dfrac{2}{n}\right],\ldots,\left[\dfrac{n-1}{n},1\right]\right\}.$$
Therefore, $$\lim_{n \to \infty} B_n=\int_{0}^1 \dfrac{1}{1+x^2} dx=\left[\arctan x\right]_{0}^1=\dfrac{\pi}{4}.$$
It follows that $$\lim_{n \to \infty} n\left(n\left(\dfrac{\pi}{4}-A_n\right)-\dfrac{1}{4}\right)=\lim_{n \to \infty} n \cdot \lim_{n \to \infty} \left(\dfrac{n\pi}{4}-nA_n-\dfrac{1}{4}\right)=\infty.$$

Note. The result obtained is different from the official solution. See the official solution.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem U338

Determine the number of pairs $(a,b)$ such that the equation $ax=b$ is solvable in the ring $(\mathbb{Z}_{2015},+,\cdot)$.

Proposed by Dorin Andrica, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

If $b=0$, then the given equation is solvable for any $a \in \{0,1,\ldots,2014\}$. Hence, there are $2014$ pairs of the form $(a,0)$. Let $b \neq 0$. If $a$ is invertible in $(\mathbb{Z}_{2015},+,\cdot)$, then the equation $ax=b$ in the ring $(\mathbb{Z}_{2015},+,\cdot)$ is solvable and the solution is unique. The number of invertible elements in $(\mathbb{Z}_{2015},+,\cdot)$ is $\varphi(2015)=\varphi(5)\varphi(13)\varphi(31)=4\cdot12\cdot30=1440$. For any invertible element and for any $b \in \{1,2,\ldots,2014\}$ there is a unique solution. Hence, there are $1440\cdot2014=29001600$ pairs $(a,b)$ with $(a,2015)=1$ and $b \neq 0$. Now, let $(a,2015)>1$. Then, also $(b,2015)>1$. We have three cases.

(i) Let $b=5k$, where $k \in \{1,2,\ldots,402\}$. For any $k$, we have $a \in \{5,10,\ldots,5k\}$. So, there are $1+2+\ldots+402=201\cdot403=81003$ pairs $(a,b)$ with $(a,2015)>1$ in this case.

(ii) Let $b=13k$, where $k \in \{1,2,\ldots,154\}$. For any $k$, we have $a \in \{13,26,\ldots,13k\}$. So, there are $1+2+\ldots+154=77\cdot155=11935$ pairs $(a,b)$ with $(a,2015)>1$ in this case.

(iii) Let $b=31k$, where $k \in \{1,2,\ldots,64\}$. For any $k$, we have $a \in \{31,62,\ldots,31k\}$. So, there are $1+2+\ldots+64=32\cdot65=2080$ pairs $(a,b)$ with $(a,2015)>1$ in this case.

Since in each case we have counted twice the pairs for which $b=65k$ or $b=155k$ or $b=403k$, reasoning as before, we have that the total number of pairs when $(a,2015)>1$ is $81003+11935+2080-465-78-10=94465$. So, the total number of pairs $(a,b)$ for which the equation $ax=b$ is solvable in $(\mathbb{Z}_{2015},+,\cdot)$ is

Note. The result obtained is different from the official solution. See the official solution.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem U337

Let $n$ be a positive integer. Find all real polynomials $f$ and $g$ such that $$(x^2+x+1)^n f(x^2-x+1)=(x^2-x+1)^n g(x^2+x+1),$$ for all real numbers $x$.

Proposed by Marcel Chirita, Bucharest, Romania 

Observe that $x^2-x+1=(1-x)^2-(1-x)+1$. Hence, by substitution $x \mapsto 1-x$, we get $$(x^2-3x+3)^n f(x^2-x+1)=(x^2-x+1)^n g(x^2-3x+3)$$ and dividing by the original equation, we have
\dfrac{g(x^2-3x+3)}{g(x^2+x+1)}=\left(\dfrac{x^2-3x+3}{x^2+x+1}\right)^n.             (1)
Moreover, since $x^2+x+1=(-1-x)^2-(-1-x)+1$, by substitution $x \mapsto -1-x$, we get $$(x^2+x+1)^n f(x^2+3x+3)=(x^2+3x+3)^n g(x^2+x+1)$$ and dividing by the original equation, we have $$\dfrac{f(x^2+3x+3)}{f(x^2-x+1)}=\left(\dfrac{x^2+3x+3}{x^2-x+1}\right)^n.$$
By substitution $x \mapsto -x$, we obtain
\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{f(x^2+x+1)}=\left(\dfrac{x^2-3x+3}{x^2+x+1}\right)^n.            (2)
Comparing (1) and (2), we obtain $$\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{g(x^2-3x+3)}=\dfrac{f(x^2+x+1)}{g(x^2+x+1)}$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. It follows that $\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{g(x^2-3x+3)}$ and $\dfrac{f(x^2+x+1)}{g(x^2+x+1)}$ have the same derivative for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. So,
$$\begin{array}{lll} & & (2x-3)\dfrac{f'(x^2-3x+3)g(x^2-3x+3)-f(x^2-3x+3)g'(x^2-3x+3)}{(g(x^2-3x+3))^2}=\\&=&(2x+1)\dfrac{f'(x^2+x+1)g(x^2+x+1)-f(x^2+x+1)g'(x^2+x+1)}{(g(x^2+x+1))^2}.\end{array}$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. Since $(1-x)^2+(1-x)+1=x^2-3x+3$, by substition $x \mapsto 1-x$ into the right-hand side, we have $$(2x-3)\dfrac{f'(x^2-3x+3)g(x^2-3x+3)-f(x^2-3x+3)g'(x^2-3x+3)}{g^2(x^2-3x+3)}=0$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. It follows that $\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{g(x^2-3x+3)}$ is constant on $\mathbb{R}$, i.e. $f(x)=\lambda g(x)$ for some $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$. Substituting into the original equation, we get $\lambda=1$.
Now, from equation (2), we get
$$\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{(x^2-3x+3)^n}=\dfrac{f(x^2+x+1)}{(x^2+x+1)^n}$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. It follows that $\dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{(x^2-3x+3)^n}$ and $\dfrac{f(x^2+x+1)}{(x^2+x+1)^n}$ have the same derivative for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. So,
$$\begin{array}{lll} & & (2x-3)\dfrac{f'(x^2-3x+3)(x^2-3x+3)-nf(x^2-3x+3)}{(x^2-3x+3)^{n+1}}=\\&=&(2x+1)\dfrac{f'(x^2+x+1)(x^2+x+1)-nf(x^2+x+1)}{(x^2+x+1)^{n+1}}.\end{array}$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$. By substitution $x \mapsto 1-x$ into the right-hand side, we get once again that $$\dfrac{d}{dx} \dfrac{f(x^2-3x+3)}{(x^2-3x+3)^n}=0$$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$, so $f(x)=cx^n$ for some $c \in \mathbb{R}$. It follows that $f(x)=g(x)=cx^n$, where $c \in \mathbb{R}$.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem J342

Solve in positive real numbers the system of equations $$\dfrac{x^3}{4}+y^2+\dfrac{1}{z}=\dfrac{y^3}{4}+z^2+\dfrac{1}{x}=\dfrac{z^3}{4}+x^2+\dfrac{1}{y}=2.$$

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas

Adding the three equations, we get $$\left(\dfrac{x^3}{4}+x^2+\dfrac{1}{x}-2\right)+\left(\dfrac{y^3}{4}+y^2+\dfrac{1}{y}-2\right)+\left(\dfrac{z^3}{4}+z^2+\dfrac{1}{z}-2\right)=0.$$
Let $f(t)=\dfrac{t^3}{4}+t^2+\dfrac{1}{t}-2$. We have
$$f(t)=\dfrac{t^4+4t^3-8t+4}{4t}=\dfrac{(t^2+2t-2)^2}{4t} \geq 0$$ for all $t \in \mathbb{R}^+$ and $f(t)=0$ if and only if $t^2+2t-2=0$, i.e. $t=\sqrt{3}-1$. It follows that $f(x)+f(y)+f(z)=0$ if and only if $x=y=z=\sqrt{3}-1$.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem J339

Solve in positive integers the equation $$\dfrac{x-1}{y+1}+\dfrac{y-1}{z+1}+\dfrac{z-1}{x+1}=1.$$

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas

By cyclic permutation, we can assume $x \leq y \leq z$. Then, $$\dfrac{x-1}{x+1} \leq \dfrac{y-1}{y+1} \leq \dfrac{z-1}{z+1}.$$ By the AM-GM Inequality, we have  $$1=\dfrac{x-1}{y+1}+\dfrac{y-1}{z+1}+\dfrac{z-1}{x+1} \geq 3\sqrt[3]{\dfrac{x-1}{x+1}\cdot \dfrac{y-1}{y+1}\cdot \dfrac{z-1}{z+1}} \geq 3\cdot\dfrac{x-1}{x+1},$$ which gives $x \leq 2$. We have two cases.

(i) $x=1$. Hence, $$\dfrac{y-1}{z+1}+\dfrac{z-1}{2}=1,$$ i.e. $$2y=-z^2+2z+5.$$ Then $-z^2+2z+5=2y \geq 2$, which gives $z^2-2z-3 \leq 0$, i.e. $(z-3)(z+1) \leq 0$. So, $z \leq 3$. We get the unique solution $y=1, z=3$.

(ii) $x=2$. Hence, $$\dfrac{1}{y+1}+\dfrac{y-1}{z+1}+\dfrac{z-1}{3}=1.$$ Since $y \geq 2$, then $$1>\dfrac{2}{z+1}+\dfrac{z-1}{3}.$$ Clearly, $z \leq 3$. If $z=2$, we get $(x,y,z)=(2,2,2)$. If $z=3$, we get a contradiction.

In conclusion, $(x,y,z) \in \{(1,1,3),(1,3,1),(3,1,1),(2,2,2)\}$.

Mathematical Reflections 2015, Issue 3 - Problem J337

Prove that for each integer $n \geq 0$, $16^n + 8^n + 4^{n+1} + 2^{n+1} + 4$ has two factors greater than $4^n$.

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas

We have $$\begin{array}{lll} 16^n + 8^n + 4^{n+1} + 2^{n+1} + 4&=& (16^n+4^{n+1}+4)+2^n(4^n+2)\\&=&(4^n+2)^2+2^n(4^n+2)\\&=&(4^n+2)(4^n+2+2^n), \end{array}$$ and it's clear that each factor is greater than $4^n$.